Welcome Friends!! I am Baba Beck … Rare Lincoln Cent Hunter www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFGDciijVpWuGwdLISQJdOauPDG2ncHJd (My wonder full Addiction I search daily for last seven years due to a prayer to God Help me work at home and God Guided me …video on my You Tube Channel "How it all Began" www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSdVpRx1uYU , Original 80's Pop Rock (One man Band) www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFGDciijVpWtfnsdTa2SsHbnk73iUVoiK I was attracted to musical instruments since I was 7 years old I don't read or write music its a GIFT for GOD all stones turned in Genre of compositions HD music videos, Instrumentals , Comedian www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UEfbkUR8bM I make people laugh just about every day at work , Sci-Fi Writer Adventures in the Year of the Giant aka 3516 A.D (First chapter on my You Tube Channel narrated Illustrated soon to be major motion picture release God Willing!! www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEDdU5RuU_U , Man of God! Miracles Yes!! www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3PqkEiBda0 But I am also a LOVER and LOVERS ( please read RUMI .. all the Works ) have nothing to do with BOOKs because LOVE ..especially (Divine LOVE) can't be Written ..God is LOVE ..make LOVE your Everlasting Escape.....I have already prayed endlessly for those that share , like and Subscribe to Please ease their journey and make their hardships disappear in this life and beyond , so …. Please Subscribe to my You Tube channel for updates. Its FREE !!